Cassian+Yoda Agro.. 17 person SC winne.

Symulator dobierania kart
Szansa: 0% – 0% więcej
Wzorowany na
Cassian Yoda 0 0 0 1.0
Wzorują się
Yodassian - Aggro 0 0 0 1.0
2x mini tourney winner - YoCA 2 1 0 1.0

Bigulf 821

Inspired by The Destiny Council list from Gencon. Deck is an absolute blast to play.

Deck is fairly consistent and can pump out damage rather quickly. now that we are 5 sets in there is a ton of removal so I felt that action cheating was a premium. Force Speed on Yoda - Wizened Master goes a long way. Quick Draw and Impulsive are also great for sneaking damage through. All In is amazing.

Tourney Recap

Round 1 - Thrawn/Snoke Vehicle -Turn 1 he does 11 indirect damage and turn 2 before he activated any card he had delt 17 indirect damage. I played 1 weapon all game and made the game last to round 5 but was took a butt kicking. 0-1

Round 2 - Yoda/Cassian/Anakin Mill

  • I played aggressive knowing I was on a turn clock. I won with 1 card left in hand. 1-1

Round 3 - Mother Mando variant

  • Got a good start and did a bunch of not mitigatable damage. Frozen Waste did work this game. 2-1

Round 4 - DJ with 2 Troopers

  • Game was very close and Yoda dual wielding pistols took it home. I had too many ways to deal damage that couldn’t be mitigated. 3-1

Top 4 - Thrawn/Snoke Vehicle

  • Alex went undefeated in Swiss and knows his deck well, unfortunately for him my deck went off game 1 and game 2 he didn’t draw a single Vehicle in his opening hand. 2-0

Finals - Kylo/Price

  • Game 1 - I win the roll and choose my battlefield, I won every game I played where Frozen Wastes - Starkiller Base was the battlefield today. My deck did what it was designed to do game 1 and we quickly went to the next game.
  • Game 2 - my opponent chose his BF, Emperor's Throne Room - Death Star II and he piloted his deck to victory with me only doing 1 damage to him in the time it took him to kill Cassian. Yoda put up a fight but wasn’t enough.
  • Game 3 - Back to Frozen Wastes - Starkiller Base. It was a slugfest. He put enough damage on Cassian to get through 5 shields and 2 Second Chance before Cassian died. His Kylo also died about the same time but Cassian’s ability damage had 6 damage on Price. Yoda with 2 pistols and a Force Speed pulled through.

Closing Thoughts - Frozen Wastes - Starkiller Base was the MVP as I didn’t lose a game which I played on it.

1 komentarz

helikaon 34

This looks like so much fun. Any viable replacements would you say for X-8? I'm just not planning on picking it up, even though I'd love to have it. :)