Dryden's Way of the force?

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Dryden's Way of the force; Now with more Vehicles! 0 1 1 2.0

Tsjagatai 13

Fun little experiment to try and break Dryden Vos; Most of the possible pairings with E-Dryden seemed to lack consistency. As such, this is the pairing I came up with to try and fix those issues.

Ideal opener is going to be "Way of the force" on Dryden to have that 4-die starter. After that it's just specials for Major discounts! If all else fails; Command shuttle will do a nice impression of a second Dryden die.

Talzin is there to just add consistency to a truly RNG-based deck. Hope you like it!

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Tsjagatai 13

Edit: Took out the Equipment package as it was too slow not having immediate payoff when special-ing them in. Replaced them with more supports and some economy cards to make the expensive stuff more playable!



  • -2 Chain sickle
  • -2 Crystal ball
  • -1 Dagger of Mortis
  • -2 Tripple threat (consistently underperformed for me)


  • +2 Detention center
  • +1 Slave I (3-coster)
  • +2 Streetwise (to make the 3-cost hoser events more playable)
  • +1 First Claim
  • +1 Reversal

New Decklist will be uploaded soon and republished; Do drop by and hit that Like-Button! :D