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Andfritz30 1532
Best deck ever!
38 komentarzy |
Nice choice of battlefield ;) |
Great deck! Can i play this? Try adding in 2 wingman cards to make it that much better! |
But is it tier 1? |
Poe/Maz? You mean this Stormtrooper's breakfast? |
Lol, yes |
Yeah, after playtesting against this... I thought this deck was balanced. I was so off base... FFG needs to ban Storm Trooper. |
Really good deck...the one dice strategy and the early claim of your opponent's battlefield must work perfectly... |
This deck is terrible. You forgot to include Training! This deck can never be T1 with novice mistakes like that. I mean, sure a Stormtrooper CAN beat Palp, Poe/Maz, Vader/Raider, etc., but your consistency goes way up with you use eStormtrooper, imo. |
My 1 die Jar Jar deck could easy beat this deck. |
I am confused, what good is Bombing Run without dice with Disrupt? Is Lockdown as effective when you need the opponent to have a Red character? I agree with CBMarkham on the use of Training!. |
I don't understand why you have cards that require you to have more than 1character in a deck with 1 character. Endless ranks & lockdown...... I'm new to this so I might be missing something but that's how I'm seeing it. I'm intrigued by this though & might try to build my own with some tweeking. |
The comments made me lol....I'm liking this |
I see, you discard all 5 initial cards to damage your opponent from dizziness with all the rerolls, then claim early, dig in and stay dug in for the rest of the timer. Hence,only using 1 stormtrooper, 'cause the hole ain't big enough for 2. WISE! I love it! |
made my day :D |
This deck could also use All In x2 and We Have Them Now x2. Then it'll be tier 1 material. |
Best part is thsi is a budget deck, even with the tier 1 changes suggested by |
I know. Anybody can use this deck! |
I'm trying to figure out if everyone here is being sarcastic or not. |
I really hope they errata the stormtrooper to include his well deserved ability: Action - discard an event to deal 2 damage to a character, then deal 1 damage to this character Then, with 30 events you could kill the Emperor and yourself TWICE! Double tie! The ultimate sign of respect towards the boss / guy who pays your salary, would be to commit Seppuku after killing him. Is this...... sarcasm? I guess we'll never know.... |
I loved the one-of tech choice of The Best Defense... great deck. |
i see where someone mentioned Training. what cards would you replace them with? if you added a couple more FOST's would cards like Squad Tactics,Sustained Fire and maybe Promotion help? I'm still trying to put this deck together and find myself 7 cards short and was trying to find cards to fill in until I get the others. |
my fave deck !!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
this deck is so funny but so stupid. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. The bestpart is you put in endless ranks... HAHAHAHAHA! |
idot |
What use is endless ranks if you've already lost? |
I'm trying to get as many likes as possible so please like this. Thanks