Feel the Painbow

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Feel the Painbow 0 0 0 2.0
3 komentarze

kylearbuckle 1

I think you may need some more resources with this build considering so many of the weapons have damage sides that need resources. The Royal Guard die doesn't have any resource sides so that could be an issue. It may be stronger to elite Bala and move FN down to a single die, especially since FN will be targeted and defeated first.

What have you experienced during testing?

Blimblard_Blith 17

@kylearbuckleI'm testing eBala instead. And a complete reconfigure of the list. The goal is to abuse FN's ability and the fact you can play a upgrade over another upgrade for free essentially. Econ hasn't been an issue since this change, as a great starting hand is any 5 weapons as long as 1-2 of them are 2 cost. Play one out on FN, use his ability. Play next upgrade over the other one for free and repeat. If you get a resource from a weapon (often do), resolve it then you have your three cost upgrades ready to go turn one. If not, your resources turn two take care of it. I routinely do 6-12 damage turn one this way, nuking one of their characters. Puts me way ahead. But endgame becomes tough as one die Bala and one die Guard aren't strong finishers. I think eBala is the way to go as you mentioned, because I'm still getting maximum value out of FN's ability.

As mentioned FN will be the priority of my opponents. So once they start adding up the damage, make sure whatever weapon or two on him are redeploys, shifting to the other two characters, maximizing you resources.

Blimblard_Blith 17

@kylearbuckle here is the update deck swdestinydb.com