Guard your Queen

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banshee 88

Obi-Wan and Luke have very similar dice and costs...the main difference is 2 on Obi vs 2 on Luke. This is meant to capitalize on this because the 2 translates into a large amount of damage.

With Obi-wan as a guardian there's a lot more removal than it appears, but if you wanted more, then adding in 1-2 High Ground wouldn't hurt.

I find myself passing a lot so that Obi can jump on a bad roll which is almost as good as removal...The purpose is to outlast the other guy, so Heroism and Obi's guardian ability should be saved for 'bad rolls' that are still damage just so they don't get a chance to re-roll and get good rolls. Willpower costs resources, but it's nice to have to push damage back onto the other guy, and has been used to kill someone who is fully shielded several times.

Cargo Hold - Eravana is there so you can put all your upgrades on Rey for free actions, then move them to Obi-Wan Kenobi - Mysterious Hermit if you're getting overloaded. Cargo Hold - Eravana can also be good to move upgrades off of FN as well, which will slow the engine down.

The real magic comes with My Ally Is The Force, because if Obi rolls a 2 that translates to automatic 6 + whatever other is on other dice too. Since it's ambush they can't counter it, so can be used for some quick kills.

Helpful suggestions would be appreciated!

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