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Wzorują się
eKylo2/Grievous (post FN nerf) 2 3 0 1.0
3 komentarze

eckospider 213

Have you considered Electrostaff to resolve Grievous damage side for free?

Red5StandingByyy 31

@eckospider I definitely have, I believe I swapped in Electrostaff for Makashi Training. I also didn't get as much use out of Anger as I thought I would so when Empire at War released I decided to publish an updated version of this deck (http://swdestinydb.com/deck/view/324147) and elite FN-2199 - Loyal Trooper might actually do better than General Grievous - Jedi Hunter.

Red5StandingByyy 31

@eckospider Sorry this is the published version of the new deck list: swdestinydb.com