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Baller85 28

Based on this decklist: http://swdestinydb.com/decklist/view/13400/quigonreyuknationalstop16-1.0

vs Grand Inquisitor - Sith Loyalist/Seventh Sister - Agile Inquisitor 3-0

vs Darth Vader - Sith Lord/Tusken Raider 3-1

Quite a fun, and possibly competitive deck, with lots of fun interactions due to Kanans ability.

Unimpressed with Fearless. I tried it out because of other people talking it up, but the extra card doesn't have enough of an impact on the game, and if you don't get it on Qui-Gon Jinn - Ataru Master and have to play it on Kanan Jarrus - Rebel Jedi (because Qui-Gon Jinn - Ataru Master is dead or near dead), then it seems like a weapon would be better, as this would help Kanan Jarrus - Rebel Jedi to close out the game.

My initial thought was to go with Rey's Staff (the idea being that it was a 3rd Ancient Lightsaber) and another piece of mitigation. After having some games with this deck, it might be worth it to take a Lightsaber to have another redeploy weapon in the deck.

In this video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjKga6CYXCU at the 12:36 mark, Kanan Jarrus - Rebel Jedi is showing a resource for both his character die and the Force speed special.

Sir Christopher resolves the special, then as the first action takes 2 resources, and the second action roll in and ready Ahsoka Tano - Force Operative. He states that it wouldn't matter if he used the Kanan Jarrus - Rebel Jedi ability because it ends up being the same result.

If he had exploited the Kanan Jarrus - Rebel Jedi ability though, he could have gotten 1 resource, then resolved the special gaining 2 actions. Before the 1st action he could've gotten another resource, then used the 1st action from Force speed to roll in and ready Ahsoka Tano - Force Operative, and still have 1 action left.

While Kanan Jarrus - Rebel Jedi dice are in the pool, be creative :)

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totoro 1

Except while you've got 2 blank...