Tears for Veers

Symulator dobierania kart
Szansa: 0% – 0% więcej
Wzorowany na
Niczym. Talia zbudowana od nowa.
Wzorują się
Jeszcze nikt.

Mike Mac 1


Only started playing from whatever weekend the 2 player starter was released and this is pretty much the best I can do with what I've obtained so far.

I know there are far better cards I could use but I probably don't have them and I've got bugger all disposable income left till Christmas is over :D I've mostly been buying Awakening sets as I'm under the impression once they're gone, they're gone. Will probably focus a bit more on Spirit next once the new sets come out.

Was originally running a single die Kylo from the 2 player set but I got me a Dooku last week and a buddy had a spare die to trade for a few spares I'd obtained.

To my credit I'm 4th of 15 in my local gaming cafe's league.

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