eJango Fett / Cad Bane

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SienarTech 19

Work in progress, early TTS testing is proving this to be quite a fun/fast, mono-yellow range-aggro deck.

Have a casual play session this weekend so will see how it fairs against meta match ups.

Obvious risk with near mono yellow is new Kylo, but will see how we can mitigate.

More to follow.

Happy to hear feedback in the meantime ^_^

2 komentarze

Spankatank 1

I really like the idea of this deck. Fett and Bane resolved before any mitigation? Heck yea. Are you claiming almost constantly? I definitely see resources being the problem in this deck as you need to get multiple good upgrades out quick to make up for a 1 die character, so I get Moisture farm, just thought if you are claiming almost always, something more powerful could be nice too? How have resource generation gone, im surprised truce/stolen cache didnt make it in.

SienarTech 19

@Spankatank Thanks! Resource can be a bit tricky as the tendency is to burn your 2 resource on upgrades for Cad right out the gate leaving you with little wiggle room for costed mitigation. Will take another look and see how it goes. Early days for this one yet! :)