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Indigosmoothie 8

I had been testing out decks for the foreseeable future and I have come to a decision that this is going to be the next top agro deck!!! I have one 9-2 games with this deck, only closely loosing to a similar deck except the person I played ran Cad Bane - Vicious Mercenary. This deck has a whole assortment of ways to do tons of damage. In the rough draft of this deck I was running a standard holocron package. I felt it had conflicted the cards in my deck so i took it out for more weapons and events. Imperial HQ is a phenomenal card to get in your starting rounds, when you don't draw upgrades your starting turn. At the beginning of the game you want to hard mulligan for Imperial HQ Lightsaber Throw and Logistics. You can easily burn an opponent down if they are playing a two color deck or mono decks. I personally think new kylo is still going to be a great menace in the meta as he can punish you for playing a mono colored deck. Starting a youtube channel soon to record me showcasing this deck but in the meantime, don't steal my stuff!!!

1 komentarz

Drink Blue Milk 100

thanks for sharing i will try this it looks solid