MGB ePalpatine

Symulator dobierania kart
Szansa: 0% – 0% więcej
Wzorowany na
Niczym. Talia zbudowana od nowa.
Wzorują się
Jeszcze nikt.

Mitchilich 15

The first time I put this together and played it, I found some cards that didn't seem to do much for me (at least based on the people I was playing against). So I made the following adjustments.


As You Command x2

Enrage x2

Insidious x1

Overconfidence x1


Endurance x2

Intimidate x2

Lure of Power x2

I still do not have a Force Speed card, which would be a great addition, but is an expensive card. Considering that, the changes above should help some.

Comments welcome.

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