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Bigulf 821

My take on the once powerhouse deck that I believe with the new rule changes is the best deck in the meta. I haven’t lost with it yet and only deck that challenges it is r2p2 and I am still 3-0 against it but typically a tight game. I won’t be able to make it to a regional during this meta so figured I would share.

4 komentarze

CBMarkham 371

I might think about Jetpack over Holdout Blaster. The modified sides don't matter since you should be able to resolve ranged damage during the turn regardless and the output is greater. Also, redeploy value is a bit diminished with double guardian on the table, but it's kind of a judgement call. Vert solid deck. Strong.

the BEAST 1128

Captain Phasma's blaster?

Bigulf 821

3 cost upgrades typically don’t make decks I construct. I like redeploy on holdout as I tend to play it on the guardian guys and don’t lose value as it bounces around. On Phasma I try to get Imperial Discipline to fix Phasma’s dice, a gun or On the Hunt, and a Hunker Down/Armor Plating. Armor Plating is nice to help reduce spike damage from R2P2 or Sabine.

TheKraftyOne 287

I would recommend Jetpack and Captain Phasma's Blaster after playing the deck since awakenings. Those cards have been fantastic for me