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mersi11 79

Went 4-0 at a local tournament last week with this build.

Round 1: eKylo2/Jango (win) Round 2: eThrawn/Unkar (win) Round 3: eQui-Gon/eKanan (win) Round 4: ePoe2/eRey2 (win)

Crossguard Lightsaber and Intimidate were by far the MVPs of the day. Against Qui-Gon I was able to remove his shields very quickly and take him down before he could setup with Shoto Lightsabers. Grievous taking away Rey's Lightsaber was also incredibly clutch. In the final it was a bit harder, but they were very useful in removing Rey's shields so I didn't take damage each round while focussing on Poe (he had Poe Dameron's Blaster on him early).

If I had to change anything to this list I would probably remove Vibroknife and Imperial HQ as I didn't get much use out of them. I considered putting in Shoto Lightsaber, but I feel like I don't have enough blue weapons to use it reliably and I really don't want to swap out Electrostaff or Z6 Riot Control Baton for more blue cards which I think would be inferior.

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