Start of Darkness (Budget Midrange)

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Ed Cote 65

Check it out! The ultimate budget deck! :P

If you're just getting into this game, the best place to start is two copies of the Two Player Starter, and then you'll often double up on the Legacies starter of your choice, but even if you get only one of each, you can build something very close to this. Basically, you already have most of these cards, right? So put them to good use!

For this deck, you will need only two copies of three different Legacies rares that will probably be about $1.50 each as more packs are opened. So that's $9 in singles, and you can probably beat even that or trade for most of them. Everything else is in your starters, and even those leave you some room to customize. For example, I could see running a copy of Slave I if you like. Once Rivals is legal, I recommend taking a look at Fight Back and Verpine Sniper Rifle.

As for tactics, you're really just looking to stay ahead on damage until you get the big guns rolling and close out the game. Auto Cannon is especially good with Boba Fett's special, because it will roll those big numbers more reliably than anything else. You have some pretty good burst damage, but you're not totally just waiting for god rolls. Phasma has a focus and the 74-Z Speeder Bike can focus either character to their special which you can then immediately use. You can do similar tricks with Take Flight but I will admit that this card might not make the cut without Slave 1 or the Verpine. You might try I Have You Now though it can't help you with the specials.

The mitigation suite is pretty straightforward, with Doubt, Entangle, Sound The Alarm, and Subdue, which I really like in a deck like this that can burst damage or even be pretty aggressive right out of the gate. Battle Fatigue can be useless early, but it's strong enough later that I don't mind mulling it out of the opening hand or holding onto it for the next round. I think I have enough indirect damage to get away with both that and Crackdown but feel free to change this up. I just don't think that the deck can get by with only Logistics as an economy card. I feel better about that with a backup even if it's not quite as good.

If you have a lot of trouble with opposing upgrades and supports, try Vandalize or Law and Order.

So, feel free to give this a shot and let me know what you think! It's been pretty good for a budget deck, even if only in the Trilogy format.

4 komentarze

Ed Cote 65

I'm now trying Quick Draw instead of Take Flight and Well-Connected instead of Crackdown. I'll see how that goes.

mjollnir 1

Weird. I scanned over all the cards and they are all Two Player Game or Legacies cards. That said the summary section of this page shows:

Format: Trilogy

Sets: Awakenings, Spirit of Rebellion, Two-Player Game, Legacies

What cards does swdestinydb think come from Awakenings, and Spirit of Rebellion?

Ed Cote 65

@mjollnirLogistics was originally from Awakenings and Doubt from SOR but they were both reprinted in the Two Player Starter. So it counts those when it's telling you what sets to reference.

Ed Cote 65

Okay, so it turns out that Quick Draw is a big help, but now I'm not sure I have enough focus sides to make Fragmentation Grenade worthwhile and only Auto Cannon has one blue side for indirect damage. So you can just cut the grenade for something else unless you also want Locked and Loaded but that might be more of a 1x card with no indirect damage sides on either character.