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Jawas v2.0 0 0 0 1.0

Roomba 204

Yes my friends, the time has come.


14 komentarzy

CushionRide 101

how did you get the jawas to come up, i couldnt do this deck :P

futantshadow 15

you really couldn't find space for hidden blasters?

Venator class star destroyer! 20

Haha, funny and cool deck!!!!

CushionRide 101

z95 is to shiny for them, the hwk290 theirs a piece worthy of jawas

Roomba 204

@CushionRideidk man, there was an update and then it let me! and I don't like the hawk because these guys are squishy enough as it is, i want to avoid doing unecessary damage to them, but I can see where youre coming from.

@futantshadowit's definitely an option, you could probably replace remote stockpile with them if you wanted.

@Happy JediThank you! glad you like it :)

TheHyperloops 3691

this deck is hilarious

Roomba 204

@TheHyperloops fan girl screams I've been noticed by Senpai! :P

adran06 254

... As they're all Neutral, does that mean you can't use Hero or Villain cards?

adran06 254

On a related note, this deck is horribly ineffective XD

Jawa Scavenger doesn't have any damage OR survivability, and it's effect is kind of trash. Wonderful troll deck XD

adran06 254

For those who are wondering how this is possible, it even says on the home page that RIvals is out now. The entire set is fully available and legal now.

Deathlock77 1

In the rivals rule guide, it is said that neutral can be played with hero and vilain cards, but I think it is probably just for the draft format...

Darth Malevolent 7

I like the name but I think it's spelled utini, not ootini.

adran06 254

It's actually utinni according to the wiki

Roomba 204

I had no idea that this deck would become so controversial! I should have put more than 10 minutes into it :P