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kalzarunshackled 8

My variation of Boba/7th. Posting this seeing as how the comp places in tourneys. I've won some local game store tournaments but nothing at an official level. Super excited to see it is competitively viable, I've been putting lightsabers in a plastic boba fett's hands since I was a little kid.

Actual notes about the deck:

ID9 Seeker Droid A huge misconception is always running these with Sister. Outside of running an OTK variation, they're actually pretty bad, even with Sister in an aggro variation. You end with only two ideal sides and . Even putting it on Boba makes it a bad investment when you evaluate what it contributes throughout an entire game. I personally run a Shoto Lightsaber and Dark Counsel in place of them.

I'm posting with Secret Facility - Scarif instead of Ewok Village - Endor just to mention it as an option. When i go to LGS tourneys I bring Ewok Village - Endor just because every list I've seen runs it and in the game meta + Maul's Lightsaber it makes a ton of sense, but before hand it was useful to rush a player through a round to punish them by leaving Boba's die as long as possible, using the Power Action on Maul's Lightsaber and sneaking a kill. In other games, it also lets us race other lists that when we really feel the speed impact of 7th's extra die.

Frighten vs Intimidate has been the toughest call for me so far. Even with the ambush, dropping a resource has been awkward, I've loved and almost always run 2 Intimidate when I can for Caution and when players drop both shields on a single character for set up.

As a closer, I think in a list looking to hit Maul's Lightsaber every game, singletons is a bit more effective since we mulligan pretty frequently. I've had plenty of games where I opened with, mulligan'd into, or drew turn 2, the cards I want to see against the decks I need them for. I really think this deck is one more iteration of Friends in Low Places from being a serious t1 deck.

Notes or comments are appreciated, I'm very excited this is a comp people are running!

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