Rainbow 5-die Villain Mother with 8 even cards

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Destry210 732

This deck has 6 redeploy weapons out of 10 plus 4 one-cost and 2 Force Illusion. Tactical Mastery and Bait and Switch are your trick to resolve damage uninterupted. Back-up muscle can be a finisher. With only 8 even cards, Mother Talzin will be able to fix dices often. It should help also for her healing with Witch Magick.

Mulligan for 1 upgrade, 1 or 2 removal and either Force Illusion or Witch Magick. Keep your even cards you get and 1 or 2 removal. The less even cards there is in your deck , the better. Vandalize can be a great asset to remove any upgrade or support. Practice with it and you will love it! Except for Greedo, there is no otger legendary in this deck. You could replace him with Bazine if you want.

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