Queen Finn Mill

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Dangerous Negotiations 2 2 5 1.0

Luke Vader 10

The concept of the deck is to use Finn's special to move damage onto Con Artist and use Cunning to activate Con Artist multiple times per turn allowing to quickly discard large amounts of cards. It also has large amounts of removal, but resource management is important to keep in mind while playing. To combat this you will want to use Chance Cube to gain resources. It also has sufficient damage to kill of a character in case you can't mill them fast enough.

9 komentarzy

Luke Vader 10

Would love all comments and suggestions!

ThayanKnight 1

What are you targeting with Commando Raid?

Luke Vader 10

Hmm i over sighted that, this is just a idea though so i would probably replace that with a Electroshock and a Though Haggler

ThayanKnight 1

I dig the idea, regardless. I may try some testing on this!

Luke Vader 10

Cool, i'm currently working on a consistent and better list on TTS but its taking some time making it work.

Herescy 7

@Luke Vader Havent tested it or anything, but I think you need to slot C-3PO since you are running red and 2 chance cubes. 3po guarantee's atleast 1 special side, or you can use the chance cube as 3 discard/focus. Look at the rainbow mill decks and grab the red they run

Icezox 7

I think that you should get some second chances since when padme dies the con artist and cunning won't work anymore and you won't be able to mill anymore

Luke Vader 10

Yeah i think C-3PO and Second Chance would be a really strong addition, i have also been testing with Docking Bay - Finalizer and Honor Guard for slightly more consistent removal if you can claim.

Jar Jar Abrams 1

So how has the deck been going?