Trooper Tie

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Trooper Tie 1 0 0 2.0

Ghoulie_ 84

Deck built around Squad Tactics, Tactical Mastery, and We Have Them Now. Basically the goal is to just roll a bunch of ranged damage into your pool as quickly as possible and claim, using the TIE Pilot to prevent that damage from being removed. The Taking Ground helps accelerate the game plan and land that claim

The mitigation is still being tested out, but I tried to keep a decent amount of the deck grey to hedge against Kylo. I also have a few techy things like Sustained Fire against shields

Also I am incredibly new to this game, so any criticism is much appreciated :^)

2 komentarze

Straken 2

I am currently running a similar deck but it uses the two trooper two pilot version. Not sure how to make the links pretty but:

I would drop the Imperial Discipline for the E11 Blaster for the Redeploy.

Not sure why you are running Taking Ground as you have good dice for winning initiative anyway. Also why the Lockdown?

I would drop Aftermath and take two Command Bridge. Then look at taking some more dice removal, it doesn't matter if you lose some damage sides, as they are usually 1's or 2's but if you can make you opponent lose a 3 or 4 side it is worth it.

Also I would drop Sustained Fire for Endless Ranks.

Depends on your card pool and how you play though. I found that I was claiming nearly every round because I was activating two characters at a time and then resolving all dice in one go (If I rolled full damage rolls.)

Always activate your Pilots first, then your damage dice can't be removed without removing the Pilot dice first.

Ghoulie_ 84

Thanks for the feedback, I updated the list with a few changes :)