Hot Garbage- Undefeated at Worlds Multiplayer Event

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Pickles 59

For those who haven't had a chance to play in one, Multiplayer events are a pods of 4 people participating in a free for all battles against each other. 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place are determined based on when your team gets eliminated. Then the next pod is determined based on how you did. Having never done a multiplayer event before, I built this steaming pile of Hot Garbage the night before the multiplayer event.

Multiplayer creates a Destiny game unlike any I have played before. One which requires negotiation and bluffing even more than maximized decks. People either love it or hate it as it turns Destiny into a game more akin to The Resistance or Secret Hitler. Knowing many folks would be bringing their maximized decks from the main tournament, I figured the key to winning was surviving as long as possible and by appearing to be less of a threat than everyone else at the table. I would let everyone else kill each other and waste their mitigation and resources on that while I waited with a comparably fresh team and nasty surprises for the last round. Basically, the world's slowest one turn kill. Stall OTK. StollTK? Maybe someone wittier than I can make a pun from that.

So here are some of the reasons I chose the cards I chose. Keep in mind I was working with only what I had brought with me, so some cards I wish I had, like Force Heal, just had to be done without.

Characters: To give me the most options I went with a Rainbow deck. Yoda at 1 die isn't nearly as threatening as he is at 2, most people discount Wedge until a vehicle is on the board, and Jar Jar has a reputation for being terrible, so I figured that this combo would look like garbage to meta players right out of the gate. In multiplayer however Jar Jar is a Sound the Alarm on not one enemy but potentially 3 enemies, which I made sure to point out had advantages for my opponents as well. This ensured that Jar Jar was my last man standing every game. Then I threw 2 cunnings on him and had a table full of vehicles with specials, transforming him into a significant threat.

Upgrades: As Hondo and Hero vehicles were prominent in the meta, I knew against Y-wings and Hondo resources=shields=health. So my first goal in every game was to get Chance Cube on the table. Everything else was disposable and thrown back. Throughout the games I spent most of my time building resources and not spending them until I had to. One game I accumulated almost 20 resources which rendered my opponent's Hondo and Y-wings completely useless. Force Illusion and Lone Operative were again for longevity.

Supports: Aftermath never came into my hand due to the low amount of hand usage each round. Playing the long game, and not appearing to be a threat until the very end is key. When I was down to one opponent and they had played out their round, I would drop 3-5 vehicles and annihilate whatever characters they had that had survived til the end. C-3PO allowed me to do fun things like resolve Cunning blanks as specials or Resistance Bomber's 6 Indirect as Ranged. The T-47 Airspeeder special allowed me to keep drawing into cards and play even more supports or Cunning in the final round. The U-wing was fantastic, and in one game I played it early. Letting it serve as a threat of retaliation while I used it to shield up my characters. That bought me a couple of rounds.

Events: Mend, Vandalize, and Emergency Evacuation were the most effective events in my games. There is nothing like watching your opponent roll out a fully loaded Thrawn/Talzin and playing Emergency Evacuation. Especially right before buying and rolling in a fleet of vehicles to close the game.

All in all, this deck is exactly what the title says it is, Hot Garbage. It wouldn't last 2 rounds in a standard game, or if a group had truly taken it seriously. But for one tournament Hot Garbage rained down upon my opponents and all were choked by its fumes of fail.

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