ROADKILL (MoMoCon GQ 5-1 2nd Place)

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YODA-EZRA-PILOT "RoadKill" Vehicles Deck. TOURNAMENT: MoMoCon 2018 (Atlanta GA) RECORD: 5-1 (Tied for 2nd place)

DESCRIPTION: Fast-ramp Vehicle deck to turn your opponent's team into Roadkill. Ramp up resources quickly and spam vehicles.

KEY CONCEPT: The concept of this vehicle deck is to ramp up resources quickly through Ezra Bridger - Force-sensitive Thief and Yoda - Wizened Master to pay for vehicles. It has a resource-curve of inexpensive (T-47 Airspeeder) and more expensive vehicles (U-Wing) to pump out a steady stream of ever more powerful vehicles as the game progresses. You get great consistency from Yoda - Wizened Master, Ezra Bridger - Force-sensitive Thief, Chance Cube and Maz's Goggles.

OPENING MULLIGAN: You should always try to open with 2 vehicles if possible, and at least one of the these cards: Maz's Goggles, Chance Cube, Rally Aid, Tech Team, and C-3PO. The opening mulligan will slightly depend on your opponent's team. In some teams Scruffy Looking Nerf-Herder is an amazing opening card and in other teams not so much. Against slower teams try to start with more vehicles and utility cards to improve resource ramp. Against really fast burst-damage teams (e.g. OTK) you may wish to start with one of the mitigation cards or Scruffy Looking Nerf-Herder or Vandalize to remove Maul's Lightsaber.

GAME PLAY: Generally speaking, I did not focus on removal in the opening. Focus on getting vehicles out and developing during the first two turns of the game. Do not be afraid to take damage in exchange for generating more resources . For example, if you are deciding whether to make resources vs shields with Yoda - Wizened Master Usually, I will roll out Ezra Bridger - Force-sensitive Thief first to try to get his Special side to steal resources. This can often force your opponent into sub-optimal plays as they try to spend resources. If they don't spend resources and I can't immediately take resources with Ezra Bridger - Force-sensitive Thief; I'll roll in Yoda - Wizened Master whose special side can get Ezra onto his steal resource side. This further facilitates ramp. By turn 2 or 3 count on losing either Ezra or Yoda. The team still does fine with the loss of a character, if you have played your ramp properly.

GQ MATCHES: All my opponents seemed to play flawlessly. MoMoCon was replete with accomplished, outstanding, and friendly players. I also played this team in many Escape Pod "mini-tournaments", on TTS and many hours of IRL practice games. This team holds up against a wide variety of teams.

  1. Round 1: Obi/Maz (Loss) - Obi god-rolled me. Fast, deadly and lucky. Just roll 3's to win.
  2. Round 2: Obi/Maz (Win) - Revenge of the Roadkill vs Obi/Maz. I won this match in under 10 minutes.
  3. Round 3: Kylo2/Anakin (Win) - Kylo2 is probably one of my better match-ups. Often I would play such that I had 4 different colors of cards in my hand making it hard for Kylo2 to guess to get off his free damage.
  4. Round 4: Kylo2/Anakin (Win) - Kylo2 wonderful against mono-color decks but so as much against a rainbow-team.
  5. Round 5: Rey/Aayla (Win) - This was a pretty hard match for me. Lake is a great stairs player, and played flawlessly. I ultimately I out-paced his team.
  6. Round 6: Vehicles (Yoda-Ezra-Pilot) (Win) - Menion played the "Drive By Shooting" team. Menion is a fantastic player. I out-paced and out-damaged the Drive-by team.

GOOD/BAD PAIRINGS: The best pairings for this team is tent-pole teams. I does well when there is a heavy investment in just one character. For example Chewie-Yoda; Obi-Maz etc. The reason for this is that I have a lot of double-dice removal mitigation cards which can often mitigate the fewer, stronger dice; and this allows me to ultimately out-pace those tent-pole decks. Kylo2 is also a relatively good match up for this team. A good player piloting any of the above teams will be challenging though. Nothing in this meta is a "gimme" game. The worst match-up for this game is Mill. My team goes through my deck quickly. I can easily play and go through 4-5 cards per turn.

CARD CHOICES: Chance Cube and Maz's Goggles are among the most important cards in the deck. This is really important for Ramp in the team, and I would hard-mulligan for them. Rally Aid, Tech Team, and C-3PO are really important to outcome of the game as well. It runs the "standard suite" of vehicles Fang Fighter, Resistance Bomber, Y-Wing, T-47 Airspeeder, R2-D2. ETA-2 Interceptor is there to help in the mirror match-up. Millennium Falcon and U-Wing are vital for the middle and end-game. I felt they were critical for filling out the "top of the resource curve". Much of the Mitigation card choices are also "standard" such as Easy Pickings, Flank, Into The Garbage Chute, Pinned Down. The possible "flex-cards" you might consider swapping out are Caution, Scruffy Looking Nerf-Herder and Vandalize.

FUTURE CHANGES: I had considered and played with many variations of my team. I had Force Illusion in the team for a while, and Pirate Speeder Tank. I have tinkered with Cunning, Friends in Low Places, E-11 Blaster during play-testing. I found those cards to be not efficient enough when weighed against putting a vehicle in the deck. My friends have also suggested Force Wave too. Basically everything should be considered against a vehicle with Rally Aid out. If you pay 3 resources for a Force Wave you could have played a Pirate Speeder Tank (a 5-cost vehicle) using Rally Aid for those same 3 resources, and the Tank will out pace the effectiveness of Force Wave in the long-run. Ultimately, I was really happy with every card choice in the deck, having played this deck dozens of times I was never unhappy to see any particular card.

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