Qui-Gon Yoda (Store Championship Winner)

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Szansa: 0% – 0% więcej
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Qui-Gon Yoda 0 0 0 1.0
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SM4SH 45

Swiss (4-1) W - JANK // W - Sabine ezra // W - Boba 7th // L - Rieekan yoda // W - Boba 7th

Semi finals (2-1) Rieekan Yoda

Finals (2-0) Boba 7th

4 komentarze

Interceptor1988 9

So I'm curios why you don't have Ataru Strike in this deck?

SM4SH 45

It was originally but I ended up replacing it with other cards.

Destiny Deck Analysis 271

How did you beat Sabine/Ezra? Did they just roll badly? Or was it an inexperienced player? I play QGJ Yoda competitively and find Sabine Ezra almost impossible to beat.

millercharlesl@hotmail.com 1

My issue with these is 4 wide rebel vehicles