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7 komentarzy

Entourage Gaming - Lanza 357

My 9 year old son played Fett/Phasma at the Nashvile SC and finished 6th out of 20. DJ vs Fett is blasphemous, but the truth hurts. All you trade is the Fett special for DJ ability that triggers every single time. 60% of the deck is the same, upped the removal to 11 and only used true removal. I haven't gotten past turn 3 today.

Scactha 888

Also love this pair. Relentless Pursuit has been nice for me aswell as Under Attack to remove a bunch of 1-s at the same time.

adevers 7

How about things like On the Hunt and Cable Launcher?

Entourage Gaming - Lanza 357

@dskylarkI love On The Hunt. Cable Launcher is iffy. It seems like it deals plenty of damage and the DJ ability is just a bonus.

Tingaleo 1

How about squeezing in #glancing shot?

Kroshtan 83

Doesnt Jetpack go up in value with DJ's passive in a blaster heavy deck such as this?