Snoke / Vet.Stormtrooper / Deathtrooper

Symulator dobierania kart
Szansa: 0% – 0% więcej
Wzorowany na
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VillainRed 108

The goal of this deck is to keep Snoke alive as long as possible and to get the money to bring back the fallen troopers with Endless Ranks.

3 komentarze

cjnj193 265

Would it be better to run 2 veteran troopers for the $ sides to Snoke? Or is aftermath going to make enough money

jddykstralegacies 1

Cool deck. Crash landing is better than cannon fodder.

VillainRed 108

@cjnj193 I thoght about that. I finally decide for the DT because it is a 50% chance of rolling black range damage (great for resolve the upgrades modifiers) and his 1 extra HP. However, the resourse face in the Veteran is also great with the Snoke Power Action.

What I would do is apply all the damage (the best defense, canon fodder, under attack) to the DT and hope to roll resource in the Veteran.

@jddykstralegacies I don't think so. When a character has only 1 HP left, he can remove with cannon fodder, for example, a 3 damage die.

With crash landing you would have to do 1 damage to that character and the 2 left to another.