WOTF Obi-Maz 23-1 Ritz Carlton Champ, Kylo-Pryce Protection

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Wzorowany na
2018 Store Championship Winner (Isle of Gamers, Santa Clara, 23 15 12 1.0
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General Vatutin 26

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and see the changes I made:

  1. swapped in Natures charm instead of the concentrate (similar, cost less, adds color protection for Kylo/Pryce ...same reason for Darksaber. Plus, adds minor mitigation.
  2. Added in a Guard instead of Riposte
  3. Added x2 Propel. He mentioned x2 similar to Alter and would help against support. Agree 4.Added Beguile instead of Defend. More versatile. 5.Added Dagger of Mortis instead of Rey’s LS 6.Added a Darksaber instead of Vibrocutlass ...saved on some economy from his deck and needed another redeploy late game where I thought he was a bit lite.

Need to find room for LS pull I think to pull the Ancient’s better??? what to cut? Maybe, Close Quarters. Also might go with just one Nature’s Charm and keep a Concentrate.

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