Snoke's Guns

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jacksquach 21

I have been testing this deck on TTS (table top simulator) recently and feel like this deck is really something quite interesting. I do not have time to write up all of the great combos this deck has, but here are my results.

Record: 6-1 so far

Win vs. eCount Dooku - Darth Tyranus, Jabba the Hutt - Renowned Gangster Had Snoke and Traitor left

Win vs. Clone Trooper, eRex - Clone Captain Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen Had Snoke left with 5hp

Win vs. eArihnda Pryce - Unscrupulous Governor eCad Bane - Vicious Mercenary Had Snoke left with 6hp

Win vs. eAnakin Skywalker - Podracing Prodigy eLando Calrissian - Galactic Entrepreneur plot Calling in Favors Had Traitor and Snoke left, 6hp and 9hp

Win vs. ePoe Dameron - More Than A Pilot, eCassian Andor - Rebellion Operative Had Traitor and Snoke left, 2hp and 8hp

Win vs. eDarth Vader - Dark Apprentice eArihnda Pryce - Unscrupulous Governor Had Snoke left with 9hp

Loss vs. eRex - Clone Captain-Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen-Clone Trooper I had a big misplay at the start of the game, I played Friends in Low Places and got rid of a Hit and Run instead of a First Aid. It really hurt. Rex had 1 health left and Maz had 6. I may have still lost, but it would've been much tighter. I also had another misplay when I acticated Snoke knowing that my Traitor with 3 redeploy guns was going to die that round. My opponent made no mistakes and beat me because of it, he played well.

I will write up a detailed deck tech section later. Let me know what you all think of the deck and any improvements you may have.

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jacksquach 21

Here is my deck tech section.

First, I will start with the characters.

Snoke - Supreme Leader is in this deck to utilize his power action and focus sides as much as possible. He allows for some absolutely great combos in this deck, which I will go into more detail on later.

Mandalorian Super Commando is in this deck for the ranged sides, power action, and just because they're all-around good. I use Snoke's power action on any of the 3 damage sides or on the shields, this die is almost perfect for Snoke except for the fact that there aren't any resources on it. Still, taking 1 damage to gain 3 shields on yourself, or another one of your characters is totally worth it if you didn't roll any damage.

Rebel Traitor is in this deck mostly for his card ability. His die is also pretty good for Snoke seeing as it has 2 damage sides, a shield side, and a resource side. All of which are good for Snoke's power action. The Traitor's ability is really what he's useful for though, being able to roll out 3 guns and your dice and forcing your opponent not go mitigate it is just great, nearly Sabine level... just kidding it is not THAT good, but it is still pretty great, especially with the cards included in this deck.

Now we will get onto the upgrades, they are all pretty straightforward but I'll give them each a little write up.

Armor Plating is just a nice way to keep a character alive a little longer, pretty simple. I will often overwrite an X-8 Night Sniper to play this if my character is going down.

X-8 Night Sniper is just a nice gun in general, it has a 3dmg for a dollar side which is really great. I haven't used the ability on the gun, but it's always there if I've stacked up some money. It also has Ambush which allows me to combo it with Quick Draw which I will get to later.

Canto Bight Pistol is just a nice redeploy weapon. It is good against heroes decks but great against villain decks. I have played at least one of these every game. I will often overwrite an X-8 Night Sniper to get this on the table before my character goes down.

Chance Cube is in this deck simply for resource generation off of Snoke's focus sides. It can also be used on the Commando for the power action if needed.

Force Speed is a good cheap way of getting some action cheating or focus sides.

Holdout Blaster is is a great gun with Redeploy and Ambush, those keywords are precisely why this gun is in here.

LL-30 Blaster Pistol is in here for the same reason as the Holdout Blaster, the keywords.

That's it for the upgrades in the deck, now I'll get into the events.

All In is in here for it's AMAZING combos. Activating Snoke followed by a loaded up Rebel Traitor activation followed by this card can be devastating for your opponent. If you activate Snoke first followed by Rebel Traitor with a lot of guns on him, you can easily deal 6+ damage as long as you rolled focus sides. Also, if Snoke is your last guy on the table, playing Quick Draw into an All In is likely a game winner. Such a clutch card.

Bait and Switch is just a great "focus" and resolve card. I typically use this on my upgrade dice, but using it on Snoke's dice to get that double or on the Traitor die to get the 2 indirect is also nice.

Feel Your Anger is just a nice removal card that doesn't require me to "spot a blue/yellow character". Pretty cheap too.

Friends in Low Places is just a really nice way to get some removal, healing, or mill abilities out of your opponents hand. Can often be a game changer as shown in my only loss so far.

He Doesn't Like You is a nice, free removal card. I should probably find a way to get a second in this deck.

Hidden Motive is a really nice removal card, and it's free.

Outnumber is another cheap removal card, I think that it could easily be replaced with Flank though. It probably should be.

Quick Draw is card I have already mentioned several times. This is just a great way of resolving dice before your opponent can mitigate them. You can play nearly any gun in the deck and then BAM you just dealth 3+ damage without them being able to respond. This also works great with Snoke's power action, being able to power action 3 or 4 damage is really good. This is also great for the Rebel Traitor cause you can get a re-roll and resolve while they can't do a thing about it.

Sound The Alarm is just a free way of re-rolling a lot of damage.

Truce is a nice way to generate some extra money. It comes in very handy.

Now for the battlefield. I chose Petranaki Arena - Geonosis because this deck has a lot of starting health, 28 to be exact. I think these guys can win a damage race, so that's why it's there.