Kylo Ren, Arihnda Pryce 14 Person Tournament Winner

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PeoplesChampion92 2

Took this deck to a 14 person Win-a-Box tournament and won the whole thing.

Deck Design: The first two questions I anticipate receiving are: Why no Force Speed? Why no Ancient Lightsaber? Quite simply, I own neither, so I play neither. I was intrigued by this pairing since WotF dropped, and apparently I hit upon a meta favorite. I’ve tinkered with this deck on and off, but when I heard about the tournament I decided to bring it in the above form to see if my own special brand of Kylo/Pryce could work, and boy did it. More on that later. The idea with this deck is to play defensively. With two Rise Again and two Dark Ritual, (and Premonitions to pay for all that) plus a solid amount of mitigation, you want to frustrate your opponent’s attempts to close out the game while you use your high consistency to deal damage. As far as upgrades, I wanted stuff that could play on Pryce too, I wanted redeploy (in case Dark Ritual started working), and I wanted solid damage. And Vibroknife is in there because no one likes seeing their damage disappear into the black hole of Force Illusion. What I found, though, is that with two upgrades on Kylo, I could hold on long enough to kill my opponents. One thing I found, that surprised me, was how often I was using Pryce’s special on her other dice to collect resources, but since you will want to play the long game most of the time, those resources are clutch with your big events.

Tournament Report: Swiss:

Game 1: Luke Skywalker - Reluctant Instructor/Rey - Finding The Ways When I saw I was playing against this deck, I felt pretty confident, it was going to be a nice warm up game. Two free damage from Kylo per turn is too overwhelming, even for Luke. Add to that the fact that Rey couldn’t hit damage, and this game was a clean decisive victory. 1-0

Game 2: Finn - Soldier of Necessity/Cassian Andor - Rebellion Operative This was a combination I had never seen before, and I wasn’t sure how it played, nor what color I should call. Considering he brought Docking Bay - Finalizer, I knew he was planning on looping supports like Suppressive Fire and Honor Guard. What I missed was that all of his indirect would be a force. In addition to that, at the end of round one, he played Maz's Vault, then just as I was about to claim Emperor's Throne Room - Death Star II, and deal 3, he took back the Vault and claimed. That threw me off for the rest of the game and I didn’t play well, even forgetting Kylo’s ability one round. Add to that that I couldn’t hit damage, and the game ended poorly for my team. 1-1

Game 3: Zeb Orrelios - The Last Lasat/Aayla Secura - Jedi General At this point, I figured I was out of the top 4, so I relaxed a bit and decided to see where this game took me. Fortunately I hit Kylo’s ability all four rounds, the first two on the same Shoto Lightsaber. And there was also the play where he had Zeb Orrelios' Bo-Rifle showing +3 and both Zeb Orrelios - The Last Lasat dice showing 3 for 1, with zero , and so that was nine unresolvabe damage. Really saved my bacon. 2-1

Top 4: The only person going into the top 4 undefeated was my opponent from round 2, and since my only loss was to him, I was in in 3rd place.

Semifinals: Luke Skywalker - Reluctant Instructor/Rey - Finding The Ways This was a different player from game 1, but again, a deck that doesn’t scare me when Kylo’s in play. But this game was even more brutal than the last. I was able to deal nine damage to Rey round one before he claimed and put a shield on her. My only dice in my pool was Crossguard Lightsaber showing a . I decided that I would reroll it to see if I could hit the and kill Rey. 1 in 6 chance and I hit it and killed Rey round one. The rest of the game was just securing Luke’s inevitable doom.

Final: Finn - Soldier of Necessity/Cassian Andor - Rebellion Operative This was a rematch of game 2, and a chance for me to vindicate myself. Going in, I knew his deck better (red was the color to call, Finn was the primary target), and so I knew I had a chance. Round two I had enough resources to play Rise Again, but no upgrades to play with it, which was a disappointment. He also chose not to remove Kylo’s two dice showing 1 with Suppressive Fire when I activated, and then I re-rolled into lethal on Finn. Then I put two more damage onto Cassian and was able to claim, but both characters were hurting from the sheer amount of I had suffered. Round three I discarded a Crossguard Lightsaber then played a second Rise Again to heal Kylo up. He used his Suppressive Fire to remove both Kylo dice, but Heirloom Lightsaber rolled a 3. I used Pryce’s to deal 3 with her second dice, and then resolved the Heirloom before he could Honor Guard it, taking him to 9 damage. He claimed, but I still had a Crossguard Lightsaber dice in my pool, two cards, and a 1/3 chance of being able to reroll to end the game. The first reroll missed, but the second reroll hit the and won me the game and thus the tournament.

Post Game Report: Thanks to Funkatronic Rex for hosting this fun event, and thanks to all my opponents for challenging and fun games. It was an awesome night. My thoughts on this deck are varied. I’m not sure that I would pull Premonitions or Dark Ritual, because they’re both so powerful, but neither got played all evening. Other cards that didn’t see use were Dug in, and High Ground. Both require that you own the battlefield, and often times your opponent will rush their turn to claim before you, making them dead. Probe was only slightly useful, and Close Quarters Assault never saw play because Easy Pickings is way too scary for you to leave all that on the table. I would probably add more 0 cost mitigation like Doubt, but since I’m not playing for you, try it out and see if you can make your own ideas work.

Have fun, and good rolls.

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