One Hell of a Pilot - ePoe2 eRose Black One

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One Hell of a Pilot - ePoe2 eRose Black One (V2.0) 1 2 0 2.0

Jedi_1993 58

Being a fan of Poe and BB-8, I knew I wanted to put together a deck like this after the new cards were revealed.

This probably isn't going to win a tournament anytime soon but it's thematic and fun.

The new plot Armored Reinforcement allows a first action Black One for 1 resource, or for free if you won the Weapons Factory Alpha - Cymoon 1 battlefield.

Mulligan hard for BB-8 at the start. He's the most crucial piece to get this all working. His 50% chance of a 1 makes getting the Black One special much more reliable. Plus one free reactivation for the ship is a plus. Also worth trying to get First Aid for first turn, but that's a given.

Rose - Skilled Mechanic is here to make money, mostly. There's a few other options for her spot, including Biggs Darklighter - Rebellion Ace or single die Finn - Soldier of Necessity. Ultimately I went with Rose because I can special chain resources from Poe Dameron - More Than A Pilot and she can fix Black One if the opponent starts putting damage on it.

For upgrades, anything with a die goes on Poe, anything without goes on Rose.

General notes:

  • You won't be claiming with this deck, it takes a while to get through all of the Black One specials. So cards that require the battlefield like Aerial Advantage aren't worth taking.
  • There's not a lot of health here so you'll struggle against heavy aggro decks.
  • Try and save Hit and Run for when Rose has Wingman and Poe has Lead by Example for a potential big hit.
  • Special and Focus chaining are the real strengths of this deck.

Other options:

  • Dogfight - If you think there will be other vehicle decks.
  • Mend - For some more healing.
  • Targeting Astromech - For more die turning, but there's already a lot of focus in the deck and only 3 mod spots available.
  • Leadership - To exhaust Rose for another Poe activation.
5 komentarzy

Icezox 7

Instead of two dice poe you could also use only one die poe and use 2 dice fin. Fin has a great die wich means more damage. You could also play the new canon

Jedi_1993 58

@Icezox I had thought about it, but between Poe’s 2 And , he makes the dice a lot more reliable.

I am looking at an ePoe eFinn Solidarity deck. Hadn’t thought of the new cannon for it - thanks!

Dice of Failure 822

I think your deck is so vulnerable basing your whole strategy around one vehicle, of which there is one copy in your deck.

Even with Black One out, I doubt your damage potential, but imagine if it gets Vandalized or killed by "Mauler" Mithel - Vader's Wingman.

I think putting in some other hero or neutral red vehicles could go a long way in place of some of these events designed to abuse one vehicle. You have Rose, so there's no reason not to use the Modified HWK-290, and I actually think you have a good setup to run four X-Wings. With proper mulligans and Armored Reinforcement, your deck has a good chance of pulling out 2 or more X-Wings on round one.

Splash in something like Deploy Squadron and Attack Formation, and you're in business.

I know it's a bit of a different deck than what you were hoping for, but I just think you need more vehicle support. Your damage output is lacking and very vulnerable to support removal.

Jedi_1993 58

@flyingdadbomb All excellent points. I do think something similar but with X-Wings would be great, I’m still trying to get hold of enough copies to try it.

To be honest, there’s effectively no support removal locally, so I built this with that in mind. If those effects show up more, I’ll do some further adjustments.

Thanks :)

Ion87 25

Sweet deck. It's worst fear is definitely running into Mauler though!