New Vader

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Vondoom13 1

This is the best use I've found for the new Vader. Pretty self explanatory. Mulligan hard for a Chance Cube and a Way of the Force to start. Chance Cube on Talzin will fund Vader's wrath. Don't use Battle of Wills without a Way of the Force on Vader. The Dark Ritual is to bring Talzin back, not Vader, because they will kill her first most likely.

2 komentarze

DarthVaderRocks 112

I really like this pairing and want to try it myself. Here are my suggestions

Even with Chance Cube, it seems like you're going to be hurting for resources. Theed Royal Palace - Naboo can probably help with that (it's becoming the go to Vader Battlefield). Also, depending on your local meta, I've found that Fear and Dead Men and Force Lift have been incredibly useful. I would even consider adding maybe a Honed Skills. Also, You Were My Friend and Something familiar seem kinda situational and unreliable.

DarthVaderRocks 112

In hind sight, I see why you didn't add Fear and Dead Men