Boba still viable?

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My meta is shields and vehicles mostly right now.

Hoping Boba Fett - Deadly Mercenary can preemptively punish vehicle dice and BD-1 Cutter Vibro-AX/Dagger of Mortis/Shoto Lightsaber will keep at bay with just enough Blue weapons and Lightsaber Pull to reliably trigger Shoto Lightsaber ability.

Low health pool so Force Illusion is an auto-include. Expecting Abandon All Hope and Close Quarters Assault to do some heavy lifting.

Ancient Lightsaber and BD-1 Cutter Vibro-AX go on Boba Fett - Deadly Mercenary, the rest are for Seventh Sister - Agile Inquisitor (Heirloom Lightsaber is there if you can't keep her alive.) Felt like I needed more dice for the pool so the Crossguard Lightsaber is just kind of there to help with Shoto Lightsaber ability. Trying to balance 2-cost against something 3-cost with Redeploy. Might change that up if it turns out I'm not completely starved for .

Not sure about:

  • Stifle looks like a good way to counter the unexpected
  • As You Command free focus is nice
  • Vandalize has always been good to me, might try to fit it in if the other removal doesn't measure up

Don't have two Ancient Lightsaber and not a lot of AtG so I'm making do.

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