eYoda/eBoushh Saint-Petersburg small tournament winner (6-0)

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Yoda/Boushh 4 3 0 1.0
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destinyspb 98

There were 7 players, so we played round robin.

  1. eL3-37/Rebel Engineers/Armored reinforcement. I was afraid of this deck, so teched against it. Used Disable twice to exhaust Shadowcaster and vandalized R2 astromech. So opponent had to spend resources to ready caster, and I abused Leia's special. All 3 characters are squishy, so it wasn't a long game. 1-0
  2. eDooku2/eTalzin. Opponent tried to slay Leia fast, but Second Chance, shields from Yoda's specials and timely Armor Plating saved her and secured the win. 2-0
  3. eHan3/eBiggs/Armored Reinforcement. Almost same scenario as in the 1st game. Disabled falcon, abused Leia's special. Wrist rockets was very useful in this game. 3-0
  4. eRose/Maz/Wedge. Again 3-wide with squishy characters. 4-0.
  5. eVader3/Greedo. This was the most intense game of the day. Vader hits like a truck and it's really difficult to remove his dice. He played 2 Friends in the high places in a row, gaining Darksaber and Shoto, which was rough! Hopefully I managed to kill Greedo before he used Price of Failure. When he got 2nd shoto and started gaining 2 shields each turn, it was a late game already, so I decided just to mill him. It wasn't so difficult, because all character dice have discard side, and Yoda also has a special. And when Vader has no cards, he can't even get his dice back. 5-0.
  6. eDooku/eTalzin. Another player with this deck. Again almost the same game flow. Got Salvage stand turn 1, denied his resources, abused Leia's special. 6-0.

The only card I'd replace is Crime Lord. Never used it, never wanted to use it. Cards that played insanely good are Salvage stand, cunning, wrist rockets, force throw, disable.

2 komentarze

RebelTraitor 259

why is ancient lightsaber not in this deck? it seems like an auto-include to me.

destinyspb 98

@RebelTraitor I tested it, and wasn't satisfied. Basically you don't want to resolve Leia's melee damage, because in most cases special is better and faster with Yoda's chaining. And using it just for healing is slow and expensive. I think it should be more useful with grappling boa, as you do want to resolve its damage sides.