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I really, I mean, I can't... 0 0 0 1.0
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9 komentarzy

Patpatine 195

0 doesn't count as an odd number so if you want to use Luce - Callous Nightsister's ability then your gonna need more odd number cards in your deck.

SenhorDeTodoOMal 63

I don't want to use her ability, just her 3 damage sides pumped up by Vow Of Vengeance

derekstanggt 34

@SenhorDeTodoOMal Unfortunately, Luce will always be target #1, so I wouldn't expect Vow Of Vengeance to be any good on her.

SenhorDeTodoOMal 63

@derekstanggtwith one dead character, both Vow Of Vengeance and both The Price of Failure, Luce can deal up to 36 damage on one turn, if she gets killed and I put the vows on a different character this value goes down to half, with is still enough to kill Darth Vader - Terror To Behold

This is just a fun deck idea I had to build a one turn kill deck using the cards I have, I'm not planning on using it on tournaments, It works on paper and I pulled of the combo goldfishing the deck, but I want to try it out tonight against a friend of mine.

Imperial Spy 178

Why no Theed? Its just a extra resource.

SenhorDeTodoOMal 63

@Namedink I'll try it out, I was mainly worried about not getting Vow Of Vengeance and The Price of Failure early, hence Maz's Castle - Takodana. But after trying out the deck a few times the extra resource should come in handy.

outro 146

This is a fun deck to play against. Shenanigans at large.

Imperial Spy 178

This is just my version but its a really nice deck.