The Best Offense (eKanan/eQuiGon)

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The Best Offense (eKanan/eQuiGon) 0 0 0 4.0

Kavemann 1

I wanted to make a Kanan Jarrus - Rebel Jedi deck, and Qui-Gon Jinn - Ataru Master fits really well with him. The deck focuses heavily on Qui-Gon's ability to use shields offensively to slowly damage an opponent, while Kanan pumps out free resolves. If equipped with Fearless and Shoto Lightsaber, then Qui-Gon can effectively deal 2 damage upon activation. I only included a few sets of removal cards (Guard, Force Misdirection, Unbreakable) as the decks primary mitigation is shields.The Unbreakables were initially Deflect's, but against a melee deck they became dead cards. Synchronicity and Ataru Strike are for some quick damage boosts if needed.

1 komentarz

PicketNose 8

Good deck combo, took this to last year's Chicago regional and ended in 12th place.

I personally took a lot more aggressive approach cutting Jedi robes, fearless, and supports like lukes protection that would consistently but slowly give off shields. Added in trick cards like my ally is the force and concentrate that could do wonders with kanan's focus and a force speed special.