Phantom Menace

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lengelmp 1152

2 komentarze

DodoVonDegurechaff 1

I like your Deckidea , but i have some questions about it :

Why is Into The Garbage Chute in your deck, when you play only 2wide? I personally miss Anakin Skywalker's Podracer due to the fact that you can use the mill effect to mitigate mitigationcards from your opp's hand or some toher good cards + it can generate ress or shields for you :)

What about Yoda's Hut ? i think, you want shields for qui gon's effect and for anakin to stay longer in the game.

For Dice removal, use Entangle , it is a lil bit flexibler then the garbage^^'

lengelmp 1152

That’s not a bad idea actually. I tend to overlook Yodas hut a lot