Vader/Nute-With a touch of Retribution

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master_shapiro 77

I’ve used this deck a couple times and, to be honest, this deck is almost unbeatable. I want to see how this could go up against Vader3/Greedo. I am open to suggestions but, can this deck get any better?-I think not, but still, I’m open to suggestions. Enjoy!

7 komentarzy

Imperial Spy 178

I am tempted to run this at a local tourney. I would love to see how it does against Vader3/Greedo so if you do go up against it please let me know.

Imperial Spy 178

Also what are some of the decks you've gone up against?

vitalis09 331

I do not want to sound rude but what meta decks you tested to claim it is unbeatable? Vehicles/Fist decks will tear this apart. How is Leia/Yoda matchup? It looks to much like mashup of cards that have some potential synergy to claim its unbeatable without actual results.

master_shapiro 77

To Namedink- I've gone up against Poe2/Bigs and won, I've gone up against Lando2/Leia2 and lost because I didn't use tactical mastery and I've gone up against an Iden deck but I forgot the second character, I think the second might have been talzin but Im not sure and I won against this deck. I've played against a few others like Sabine/Ezra/doubledown and won but those are probably the major ones. I plan on using this soon again soon and I'll try to give an immediate status report when I do. Thank you for asking though. :)

And vitalis09, how about you look at the deck again- how could this be a "mashup of cards", you tell me how you would make changes to this deck and how you would improve it because I can't think of any other cards to try to put in here other than probe, but the battlefield kind of takes probe's place. So again vitalis09, what would you change in this deck? Think about it.

Imperial Spy 178

I like the fact of having nute there for soaking up damage with The Best Defense... and also resets with Leadership

master_shapiro 77

Yeah, I was thinking about putting in Personal Escort for Nute but I don’t think it wouldn’t fit very well, it might but probably not.

Imperial Spy 178

Eh I don't know to much about Personal Escort I would probably just add another The Best Defense... its 2 dice for 3 damage. The comparison imagine removing two Vader3 melee sides for 3 damage compared to 1 for the value on that die. Ether way that damage its getting put onto Nute not Vader plus its the same cost ether way. Now if they only have 1, 2 damage side out Guardian would be better but still if you can't remove it some other way then it would probably just be fine to soak 2 damage up and save your other removal for other dice.