Rebellious Teenagers (Qi'ra is ELITE)

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DarthJarJar66 19

First of, this deck has Elite Qi'ra. The database said "Point Limit Exceeded" even though it said it was a 30 point team. I've had problems with using characters with point changes in infinite format, so I think there is something going on with the programming.

This is a vey versatile deck that can be twisted to fit your needs! If your opponent discards a lot, you can mill them with all the discard sides and little Ani's Podracer. It also succesfully gains resources to play upgrades and supports. You can modify it with Buy Out and other cards to focus on milling, or get rid of some cards to go offensive. It is currently 2-0 against the deck Two Bouncers in a Big World. Any suggestions? I don't focus on villains so I don't have a lot of villain cards in my collection. I put all the ones I can in except Friends in High Places.

3 komentarze

derjukee 33

Looks like you forgot to add the Solidarity plot for the point bonus.

GregtheBiz 391

It doesnt need Solidarity. Jyn is 14 and Elite Qi'Ra is 16.

With that said, why are you running almost all 1-ofs?

DarthJarJar66 19

Hardly any of the cards do I have duplicates of, and the ones I do I limit them in case of a full ranged or hero deck, etc. (in the case of Way of the Light and Parry). However, I would include another Second Chance, Dex's Diner, Rebel, and Rigged Detonation if I had them. I'll propably throw in a cheat, just to make sure I get the most out of Rigged Detonation and Second Chance.