Bandolier Boushh

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ko_derf 7

I've been thinking a lot about all of the Bandolier decks that are out in the wild. They all seem to be Satine decks and I really don't like the way she finishes games when the Big she is running with is killed. This is especially true when there are multiple threats still on the board. That lead me to finding a better partner that might be able to finish a game when Qui-Gon or Mace were killed.

Needing to stick to Yellow for Custom Bandolier, the options were limited, but Leia seemed to fit my criteria perfectly. She has Melee sides, threatens 3-wide decks, and as a bonus, can ramp if you throw down a Villain upgrade turn one and get paid off. (Or if they don't pay, use No Good To Me Dead after hitting for damage)

Problem: It starts at 3 dice. I hate it, you hate it, we all hate it... Now that we have all gotten that hatred out of the way, we can start to look at how this deck operates.

  • Mace's ability lets you find the villain upgrades you need turn 1 if you don't get a Skilled Tracker in your hand during mulligan.
  • We are hiding Fatal Blow with Lightsaber Mastery in case we run into mill. (which can be used with 2 of Leia's direct damage sides as opposed to Satine's single 2 Indirect side)
  • We are backing up Fatal Blow with Daring Gambit should we need a second blow-out card. This also helps if Leia is focused down first and Mace's single character die gets controlled.
  • You can always quit a turn earlier than your opponent expects with Mean Streets - Correlia if it means getting off a free high-impact event. Nothing is better than a Flee/Pickings/Scruffy to end turn one when you have no resources, or free Bacta and Beguile any turn after that.

I would like to fit in Mace Windu's Lightsaber but I don't want to go light on the mitigation. I've got to do some more testing to find that sweet spot. I was also thinking about Free-For-All instead of Gambit. And Disciplined Mind instead of Way, but there are so many Villain decks out there right now.

Comments and criticisms welcome.

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