Qui-Gon is back baby!

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ABK123 349

There is an infinite tournament at my local store soon, so I decided to play the ole Qui-Gon. Not to complicated of a deck. Try to activate Ashoka First to use her ability. Getting out Soresu cards con be insane. Have fun!

4 komentarze

master_shapiro 77

This looks good but I would suggest using Qui-Gon Jinn's Lightsaber. This is not because this lightsaber is simply his but because of the lightsaber’s ability and Qui-Gon Jinn - Ataru Master’s ability.

ABK123 349

I agree @master_shapiro, but I would really like to try to limit the cost of my upgrades and keep them at two cost if I can. What do you suggest taking out?

master_shapiro 77

Probably one Soresu Mastery because you have two Soresu Training and this will still allow you to get at least one Soresu Mastery preferably out on Qui-Gon Jinn - Ataru Master and then you can have his lightsaber which will go good with his ability.

ABK123 349

That seems good. I'll try that IRL. Thanks!