Old Mother's Mandos (Papercuts for SoH)

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SneakyReaper 16

So I very much enjoyed running papercuts (Talzin & 2 Mandalorian Commandos), but it lost a lot in rotation (particularly chance cube). I have been looking for how to bring it back in the current set, and this seems promising.

The deck has two issues at the moment, the biggest is money, and the second is there doesn't seem to be a way to really leverage the health of Daka's zombies. But I can't see anything that can fix these in standard at the moment (acceptable losses isn't really a good call here as it is too unreliable with a single die Daka)

However with 4 cards that can heal 3 for 1 resource early, and a health pool of 27 seems alright. Weave the Ichor becomes much less useful late game if Daka dies, but is really there to try and prolong that as far as possible.

I have a bunch of 1 off's in at the moment for testing, but they are also all pretty situationally good so in some ways better to have one for options than risk 2 in hand.

What I am really liking about this deck is there isn't a good target to hit first. If they go for Daka, it should keep your Mando's power action online for longer and give you time to tech him up. If they go for him then you can bring the zombies out to play instead, and you are probably fine. For either of those Talzin gets to stick around with her two dice and her awesome ability. And if they go for Talzin, they are probably going to lose to the other two, so there isn't really a good choice to my mind other than Daka which in many ways is the weakest character anyway.

1 komentarz

aasenb 685

Thank you for keeping the dream alive