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Dice of Failure 822
This deck uses a lot of the same tricks as the old Villain Leader Mill (Deja Vu/No Answer/Cocky, etcetera), but it finds a way to do it better with Jawas.
While the mill might be a little draw-dependent, relying a lot on getting your Utinni!s, Déjà Vu, No Answers, Bespin Wing Guard Wretched Hives and Grand Moff(which saying it out loud is a lot of options), it still has a lot of tricks and control options.
This deck has absolutely no trouble with money, as there are 18 targets for the three Jawa resources. And being able to Free Fall into a Harmless Trick, removing two dice for no money, is really great.
You can also potentially add 10 health to your lineup with a Deja Vu'd Standoff.
The Pyke Sentinel gives you both yellow and another source of passive dice removal, and Conan gives you a bit more removal plus Discard. The deck is pretty evil when it goes off.