Bounty Hunting is a complicated profession...

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Bounty Hunting is a complicated profession... 1 1 4 2.0

501st 30

Try and get downgrades very early, in order to max out IG's power action. After that, survive and deal damage. Any advice is welcome.

2 komentarze

thE_MAndAlORiAn 84

great deck! although, I think that adding in Z-6 Jetpack and Pulse Cannon would be good, not sure what you could take out though... also I think that Nightsister Lair - Dathomir is lightly better than Jabba's Palace - Tatooine.

501st 30

Thanks Man! I dint actually have a z-6 before i posted this, getting it today, and i unfortunately don't have a pulse cannon. I will switch out the battlefield though! Thanks for the suggestions!