Droids are Back

Symulator dobierania kart
Szansa: 0% – 0% więcej
Wzorowany na
Niczym. Talia zbudowana od nowa.
Wzorują się
Jeszcze nikt.

Pasfs0 1

3 komentarze

jonahr 3

You should add Droids' Day Out or Kinship. Also, Mr. Bones Would be a great addition.

Pasfs0 1

Unless I am mistaken Droids day out is on the restricted list for this pairing. Mr. Bones I thought about it. However, I would have to sacrifice either removal or health. All weapons are redeploy-able making it convenient.

Oeklampadius 16

@jonahr Droids' Day Out is on the restricted list with C-3PO; you can't play them in the same deck anymore.