All In Focus

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Book 1394

Very powerful deck that utilizes All In and Leadership in tandem with a gazillion upgrades on Luke, and, occasionally, Ackbar. You want to go for big turns with All In, using the bevvy of Focus results to deal as much damage as possible.


From moment one, start playing upgrades--and ideally on Luke first. With 15 upgrades, ALL of which provide dice, you should set up your characters rather quickly. Also, don't be afraid to overwrite a less useful upgrade, like Jedi Robes, for something more expensive or useful.

Many of the dice have Focus results, which are used to flip Luke to his 3 damage side--among other dice. Akbar plays a few roles in the deck:

1.) His 2 focus side is obscene with All In. Often times, you will use another Focus result, to flip Akbar to two Focus, and then continue.

2.) Use Leadership to ready Luke and go ape shit a second time.

3.) Hopefully provide some damage by way of his ability, esp. when coupled with Scout and your battlefield.

4.) To die so Luke can keep beating them in their stupid head(s).

The deck plays 0 support cards, instead being roughly half upgrades and half events. We have already mentioned our two big swing cards. We also have some die manipulation and removal, as well as 4 healing cards--two of which function as chip damage. The two One with The Force should overwrite crappier upgrades, providing a 3 Focus result, as well as a big 3 ranged damage side--overwrite Force Training, Jedi Robes, or Survival Gear.

The deck has a number of die manipulation cards: Use The Force, Force Throw, Force Misdirection, Rey's Staff, and Deflect.

Datapad is clutch, as it allows you to get your coveted Focus results and go bananas.

Riposte works nicely with the many shield-generating cards in the deck: Jedi Robes, Force Training, Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber, Survival Gear, and Dug in.

While the deck CAN and often WILL annihilate your opponents, a couple of weaknesses are inherit:

1.) You can get random as hell rolls at times.

2.) You will want to take some resources from dice, as the deck needs resources to keep the upgrades and events coming.

That's about it. Enjoy!!!

2 komentarze

dreamdemon235 1

How has this deck faired against Jango/Veers???? I started playing a deck kinda like this one, faired well against Vader/Raider and a Rey/Padmae/Padawan decks, but got slamed by Jango/Veers.

Book 1394

I mean, you can kill one of them in one go. You have the damage , deflect, and speed.