Unkar's Junkyard

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Unkar's Junkyard 7 4 3 1.0
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Uncle Tie 6 6 0 1.0
I like big Plutts and I cannot Tie 2 2 4 1.0
Unkar's Junkyard (editted) 0 0 0 1.0

FyreEmblem 1011

Seriously. Hear me out. This deck is the real deal. I haven't taken it to a tournament yet, but have play-tested against several common decks, and it runs like a champ. It is far from tuned, but it's pretty nasty as-is.

Overall: We use Unkar to make us lots of money fast, and to choke our opponents of resources. Really, that's it. His ability can help make money, but the mill is just an added bonus. The Tie Pilots are great because they easily enable Unkar's ability and Friends in High places right out of the gate. They also protect our big ships dice once we get them online. They are also decent targets for Endless Ranks. We very rarely lose the battlefield roll, which is nice.

Early Game: Keep Fast Hands, Imperial Inspection, Local Garrison, and Salvage Stand in your opener (we don't need all of these, but we like to see a combination of any of them). This helps keep our opponent off balance from the start, it's very tilting. On top of that, I keep Friends in High Places. We can turn it on relatively easy early on with just our character dice, and it's a target rich environment in this deck. We like early cheap dice we can play turn one as well, so we can get more Unkar triggers or Friends in High Places online early. Nothing is more devastating than a Round 1 AT-ST.

Mid Game: Power out as a Rocket Launcher as soon as we can. It puts tons of pressure on our opponent when we have that and 2 Pilots on the board. I usually stick it on Unkar with his Fast Hands, giving me the option to knock out a character to lead off a round if I need/want to. Then we want to get as many dice on board as we can. Eventually we snowball into a Slave 1, 1 or 2 AT-ST's and our Astromechs, which all put out a ridiculous amount of damage (really dealing well with these silly Second Chance decks). Astromechs are amazing along with all the focus sides we have in the deck. We can chain a single focus from a pilot or Unkar into the Astromech 2 focus sides and put lots of damage on the board quickly. We don't use All In because we have so many activations that usually our opponent will claim early or gas out before we get to these kinds of tricks.

End Game: We end up with lots of vehicles. We lead off with disrupt from Unkar, roll in pilots, then roll in our big vehicles. We reroll/focus into 15ish damage and then blast our opponents board. Watch your opponent as they stare down their impending doom.

Thats it. It's villain ramp + disrupt at its finest. You really need to play the deck to get a feel for what it does. Disclaimer, it is not the easiest/most straightforward deck to play. You end up with so many assets on the board it can be hard to keep track of everything that is going on. Practice Practice Practice before you roll up to a tournament with it.

Let me know your feedback! Thanks all.

6 komentarzy

Wavesman12 89

If your opponent is playing an aggro deck and focuses unkar isnt that all they need to do as everything is based around him

peekitup 14

I agree with Wavesman, I tried this out on TTS and this deck is not that good against aggro.

licasanova 94

Poe/Rey/Maz slays this, unfortunately. Party dance style. And I fear any good control deck needs to have at least a 50% win rate against that archetype, 'cause you gonna see it everywhere.

FyreEmblem 1011

Have you played this against Poe/Maz? I think with Unkar's ability you have a solid chance to yank the Poe targets and use the resources to power out your own repeatable damage.

Unkar really just needs to make it to round 2 for this deck to have a chance. It is just critical to set up correctly round 1.

Luke_Skywalker 371

It's a crap shoot against Poe really. They've probably got 1-2 discard targets in opening hand. If you can Unkar into one it's likely you win, but if you hit their Hit and Run or Loth-Cat and Mouse, or Caution or anything else like that, they probably win. It's the inconsistency of Unkar Plutt - Junk Dealer that worries me, and you kinda bet the farm on him with this.

FyreEmblem 1011

Not entirely true. His ability is nice when it triggers, but not necessary to hit big stuff to win.