Artistically Done - eThrawn/Bane

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chazz 157

Thrawn is my favourite (non Dark Vader... obviously) Star Wars Character. With Unkar getting his cost increase I've been searching for a way to run Thrawn that still works with his control and mill strategy. You could run one dice Unkar but it just seems lackluster. I present to you... eThrawn/Cad Bane!

The strategy is pretty self explanatory. Put all of your upgrades on Bane while making bulk resources. Bane is perfect as he gives access to yellow (far superior with control/mill than blue with eKylo), he has two ranged sides to pop off Loose Ends and he has a discard side in a pinch. He's also a mighty 12 health, pretty good for 13 points. Hound's Tooth combined with Chance Cube make bulk resources. The deck is super consistent due to Thrawn's focus sides.

Loose Ends is the star of this deck and I think it is currently VERY underrated. As you don't need to do damage the card is essentially twice as efficient as Buy Out. That way you can keep resources for the big Block or Dodge turns which have become A LOT more useful now that the game has slowed down.

I've only been testing it against other test decks right now (what even is the meta?) but I reckon it can play with the big boys.

Cards that I'm still tossing up:

Cards that I would like to fit in there:



2 komentarze

heavyboots79 7

this is a sweet deck. nice building. any thoughts on something to help with guns after cad goes down for loose ends?

chazz 157

Thanks! I'm not worried about Cad going down first. If they go for Cad first i would be VERY surprised. But if that becomes a problem. Subbing in a couple Ascension Gun could be a thing. As that has a discard side too.