PoeMaz - PastPoeNerf

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vitalis09 331

Ok so i tried to create working 3 dice PoeMaz, its not much different from old one but these few changes are pretty important.

Battefield - Emperor's Throne Room - Death Star II - now pretty much only viable bf for PoeMaz. Before it was a bonus and could be swapped for Frozen Wastes - Starkiller Base or something else but now in some games it can be your only way to trigger Poe.

Upgrades: Cunning and Maz's Goggles - i was even tempted to go 2x Cunning or 2x Gogles but card limit kicked in hard. These 2 substitutes for lost Maz die. Cunning is more reliable and flexible but more expensive - and Moe never was a deck with too much cash. DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol - standard Moe stuff. Thermal Detonator - bread and butter. In current meta it can decimate all Rainbow5s and cheap multiple chars played with supports. Rocket Launcher - again standard Moe stuff - either throw it with Poe or play it on Maz.

Supps: C-3PO - again trying to make up for Maz die. But it always was more than viable in Moe decks. Millennium Falcon and U-Wing - bread and butter of Moe. Planetary Uprising - as above. I even tried to squeeze Drop Zone to amplify punishing for claiming...but again only 30 cards kicked in hard :/ Y-Wing - IMO great card for Moe. Most of the time you can play it after throwing it - and the special can be pretty sweet - in most decks you will deal 3-4 indirect damage and rich ones will have hard decision to make.

Events: Defensive Position and Dug in - bread and butter of Moe survival. Electroshock and Loth-Cat and Mouse - removal. You may try to swap Loth-Cat and Mouse to Threaten since you have less dice now but Threated costs 1 not zero :/ But its worth considering for sure. Hit and Run - bread and butter. Friends in Low Places - i would even go 2 of those since you have no Endurance to discard those removals...but yet again - 30 cards... Field Medic - May be swapped for Draw Attention - both work similar way - they heal the heat from focused character. Draw Attention is free but it works only 1 way - taking heat of Maz. Using it to heal Poe paints a target on Maz - problem that does not exist with Field Medic.

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