Droids on Steroids (w/ Write-up)

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MysteriousKermit 189

So I saw this Allies of Necessity plot and thought, who wouldn't mind having a card in the discard pile and no resources? And I thought, IG-88 - Assassin Droid.

Then I realized they updated him with the Droid sub-type and we could play Roger, Roger for a double for only 1 . Then I remembered the new General Grievous - Droid Armies Commander will also reduce his cost, letting us put another Battle Droid (I really wish there was a 7-cost droid because now we are at 31 points).

This is by no means a T1 deck, but is sure fun to play. There are many other card options to be slotted in - Probe, Friends in Low Places, Friends in High Places, etc...

  1. 8x yellow upgrades - mulligan for one, discard via Allies of Necessity and then retrieve via
  2. Many 0-cost removals, so we don't worry about the lack of money
  3. Seize the Day + Roger, Roger for a quick kill
  4. 1x Relentless Pursuit to capitalize on your unwanted , and possible Doctor Aphra - Artifact Hunter encounters
  5. Fort Anaxes - Anaxes, well, this one is self-explainatory

Thanks for reading.

2 komentarze

svys 9

Why not Tactical Mastery instead of Seize the Day?

MysteriousKermit 189

@neupal I think both cards can be played successfully. My reasoning was that we are starting with no resources, so the combo usually happens in round 3 or 4, and at that point the most common scenario was me controlling the battlefield and having only IG-88 on the field.

However, Tactical Mastery would be much better suited against mill decks, so maybe it is a better choice. Swiftness also comes to mind, but it is useless without Roger, Roger unlike the other two cards.