Look Mom no Hand

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MaxMcNugget 103

Attempting to bring back the classic (Papa) Vader/eJabba.

I have wanted to build this deck since Awakenings.

The object of the deck is to mill you opponent via hand destruction and mill via Command Center - Lothal.

An ideal turn would be to already have the battlefield, then roll in Darth Vader - Sith Lord with a Fast Hands and Blackmail on him and abuse the interaction where you can resolve the Blackmail dice with Fast Hands because you can resolve the Fast Hands trigger first before the Blackmail trigger.

Thus, you will force them to discard 1 card with Darth Vader - Sith Lord then ideally resolve the 3 of Blackmail with Fast Hands leaving your opponent at 1 card in hand with 1 action.

The 2 on Vibroknucklers is also great since you can spend 1 to discard 3, leaving you opponent at 1 card also.

Jabba the Hutt - The Great and Mighty is mainly here for this natural side to with with Dark Presence and to add consistency to your yellow dice. And if your opponent for some reason chooses to go for Darth Vader - Sith Lord first.

New Orders is in the deck to address Starship Graveyard - Jakku because it basically shuts out this deck. The second copy is for more consistency and if your opponent also plays their own New Orders.

Ascension Gun and the 2nd copy of New Orders are the 2 flex spots in the deck as well as Deflect depending on your meta. 1 card to consider is Vibroknife since it will allow you to push damage in to try to kill pesky characters like cough Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen.

For your starting hand you are really looking for Fast Hands with either Blackmail or Vibroknucklers, and or for Dark Presence.

So hopefully this deck can put a damper on ePoe/eMaz by discarding their whole hand so they have no card to use Poe Dameron - Ace Pilot's on. But you still will have to respect his 3 and Planetary Uprising.

Lastly, let me know what you think.

14 komentarzy

FyreEmblem 1011

Went for a similar build but we diverge a bit on a few topics. For planetary uprising I am trying out a single Sabotage. I am not a huge fan of personal shield or ascension gun but I see what you are trying to do. Doubt is a great card but I like it much less against Poe. Additionally, I think our dice are too valuable and scarce to run cards like He Doesn't Like You right now... I may change my mind on that though.

This is my list if you want to check it out: swdestinydb.com

MaxMcNugget 103

Thank you

I had Sabotage in the deck list originally, I'll probably end up switching it for Doubt and or He Doesn't Like You. You are absolutely right Doubt brings very little to the table against Poe/Maz, other wise it's a fine card. As for Personal Shield, I want to try testing it out, I myself am still not 100% sold on it.

FyreEmblem 1011

It's very helpful against other decks like Palp and Jyn and troopers, but Poe not so much. If Po is in the meta then I am out, but if not it definitely has a place.

Gearjock 140

Do you think the Personal Shield and the Force Illusion are needed or is that a bit overkill on protection? Would replacing one set of those with something like a Lure of Power be better?

MaxMcNugget 103

This deck is untested at the moment, and Lure of Power is another card that I was considering as a 2 of. I would probably take out the Interrogation Droids because you want to be able to claim fast, and the Interrogation Droid doesn't really offer enough I feel.

Manfred 146

I play a lot with Jabba and Vader, specially on tournaments. I winning most of games. But i play in diffrent style. Events are very similiar, many removals. But most diffrence is on upgreades. I play with sith holocron, mind probes, force push and throw, lure of power. Its hybrid betwen mill and dmg. or just control deck. Also mill a lot, but there is much dmg to kill characters, with discarding his hand is horrible for most of players.

casktapper 7

Is there a ruling on Blackmail and Fast Hands specifically? In my reading of the rules, the after trigger for Fast Hands would have to wait for character activation to fully resolve, which would include rolling in dice and any after triggers on those dice rolls (including Blackmail).

FyreEmblem 1011

Both events have the same trigger, and since they are both controlled by the same player that player can choose the order of resolution. The controlling player could decide to fast hands blackmail before the blackmail ability occurs.

casktapper 7

But they don't have the same trigger. Fast Hands triggers from character activation and Blackmail from rolling the die. Rolling the dice happens during character activation and would need to fully resolve (including "after die is rolled" triggers) before the "after character activation" trigger.

FyreEmblem 1011

Activation ends after the dice are rolled. So the trigger is the same.

casktapper 7

Sorry Fyre, apparently a search for Fast Hands in the rules reference doesn't find the FAQ entry. Apologies.

FyreEmblem 1011

No apologies necessary.

ntsekov 95

@Manfred - that version works better with Dooku in my opinion. I tried using Vader, but he doesn't bring anything but the single discard (well, 3 damage dice, but people can remove it). With Unkar getting popular, the slow control with Force Throw and Mind Probe is a bit dangerous. You get holocrons and Lure of Power bounced and your resources would shrink from Salvage Stand all the while Unkar is giving you troubles keeping more expensive cards. Hardcasting a probe or throw is out of the question in such cases, and there is confiscation to bounce even those.

eDooku/eJabba have similar problems though.

As for the OP deck - my only problem seems to be the Interrogation Droid, it slows dow the deck. I'd also use Armor Plating instead of Force Illusion, but that's personal taste.

Gearjock 140

So I played this deck a few times on TTS. It did not perform as well as I hoped. First, it is a little slow and often times found the Battlefield used against me. I swapped the Battlefield to Moisture Farm - Tatooine because I figured if I claim, then awesome I get money. If opponent claims, I often have a dice with Disrupt waiting to be used and I just discard the money anyways.

I ended up replacing one New Orders with a second copy of Electroshock because I needed more control.

I replaced Personal Shield x2 with Lure of Power x2. It seems to work but at the same time Jabba gets rushed down a bit too quickly for my taste. The 2nd Electroshock helped slow it down a bit but maybe replacing Ascension Gun with just one Personal Shield might be a good choice.