ePoe/eMaz - How Cunning!

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ePoe/eMaz - How Cunning! 3 1 0 1.0
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ePoe/eMaz - How Cunning! 0 0 0 3.0

Rhavas 9

This build is very similar to many other Poe/Maz builds. I'll discuss the differences below:

I went with Launch Bay over Rocket Launcher as I prefer the versatility and cost effectiveness of Launch Bay. I would consider splitting and using one of each, if three or four character builds become more popular.

I originally played C-3PO but have swapped to Cunning. Cunning gives you the chance at a third Poe activation as well as allowing you to do things like activate an opponent's Darth Vader - Dark Apprentice. It seems extremely versatile, and has another Focus side if you miss with Maz. I felt C-3PO was too slow.

I like the idea of playing Scavenge to recur cards thrown away by Poe's ability but have found it often isn't necessary. If Ammo Belt/Second Chance becomes more popular, it might be required. For now, it doesn't seem needed.

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Rhavas 9

I've replaced the Launch Baywith Rocket Launcher as I've acquired Rocket Launchers and they have better synergy with Rocket Launcher. I will continue to consider a split.

I re-added C-3PO as I believe it gives the deck even more reliability. Having the C-3PO dice in the pool also makes for another dice your opponent may have to control. I dropped a Loth-Cat and Mouse (I don't often want to give up a die) and a Field Medic. Depending on how things go, I may drop a Dug in over the Field Medic.