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ePoe/eMaz - How Cunning! | 3 | 1 | 0 | 1.0 |
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ePoe/eMaz - How Cunning! | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.0 |
Rhavas 9
This build is very similar to many other Poe/Maz builds. I'll discuss the differences below:
I went with Launch Bay over Rocket Launcher as I prefer the versatility and cost effectiveness of Launch Bay. I would consider splitting and using one of each, if three or four character builds become more popular.
I originally played C-3PO but have swapped to Cunning. Cunning gives you the chance at a third Poe activation as well as allowing you to do things like activate an opponent's Darth Vader - Dark Apprentice. It seems extremely versatile, and has another Focus side if you miss with Maz. I felt C-3PO was too slow.
I like the idea of playing Scavenge to recur cards thrown away by Poe's ability but have found it often isn't necessary. If Ammo Belt/Second Chance becomes more popular, it might be required. For now, it doesn't seem needed.
I've replaced the Launch Baywith Rocket Launcher as I've acquired Rocket Launchers and they have better synergy with Rocket Launcher. I will continue to consider a split.
I re-added C-3PO as I believe it gives the deck even more reliability. Having the C-3PO dice in the pool also makes for another dice your opponent may have to control. I dropped a Loth-Cat and Mouse (I don't often want to give up a die) and a Field Medic. Depending on how things go, I may drop a Dug in over the Field Medic.