Mono red phasma!

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Mono red phasma (updated) 11 11 5 2.0

Bouncewithout 100

Good clean dice, Strong health pool and some tricks!

A few single cards at this point of the testing process to get a feel for the deck and where the meta is gonna end up.

Comment below.

2 komentarze

hardypat 3

As someone who plays Villain Red religiously, I love this character combo. A few thoughts: -Endless Ranks needs to be a 2-of in this deck. In order to pay for it, I'd include 2 Aftermaths and cut Lockdown (since none of your cards need the battlefield) and Recon (too expensive for what it does) -I'd cut your Suppressions and instead include 2 Cannon Fodders. I've tried Suppression, but giving up damage just stinks and the Death Trooper can just soak damage with his 10 HP -Imperial Discipline is so strong, it needs to be a 2-of. I'd cut a Squad Tactics since Wingman basically accomplishes the same thing and an Imperial Warmachine since it really only affects Stormtrooper and some guns. -With Imp Warmachine gone, it makes sense to turn Rocket Launcher into a second Riot Baton. RL is awesome but Riot Baton has Redeploy. -I love Rend in this deck--I'm trying to think how it could be 2 copies, since Imperial Inspection is the bane of this deck type. Maybe cut a Tactical Mastery? I don't know. -The deck seems a little light on removal; I always try to find room for Flank in 3-character decks. Not sure where to put it, though. -There's an interesting card from the 2-player box called Armor Support which is basically direct damage when you reroll into a damage side. Could be nasty w/ Death Trooper but the deck slots are already really tight. Idk, something to think about.

Keep deckbuilding! Overall, I'd like to see you test this at some local tournaments and see how it does :)

Bouncewithout 100

Hey thanks for the reply. Yeh at this stage there is a few cards primarily for testing. I have already cut the lock down and recon :) in favour of cannon fodders. Squad tactics defs doing the same job as with wingman but I want to make sure I'm gaining a bit of speed each turn to make it harder for the single die removal to impact this deck. I had flank originally but im not sure it's going to be as effective in the new format, ( ill try 1 and see if it still has a place) I do like the idea of aftermath and the second endless ranks. Although space is real tight with all the new cards about to hit. Thanks again!